学术讲座:地下水碳泵 The groundwater carbon pump


报告时间:2018628日 下午2:30


报告简介:  地下水流及空隙水流在近海水环境中无处不在,也受到很多物理过程的影响。滨海湿地以及近岸酸性土壤的水流交换使得地下水,孔隙水流动加速。地下水流动加快了基层表面的生物-化学循环。因此,地下水中含有浓度极高的二氧化碳,甲烷,一氧化二氮,碱盐以及有机碳。在这个报告上,我将向大家介绍地下水引起的碳通量对于不同地下水环境(湿地,红树林,珊瑚礁,河口以及河流)的影响进行介绍。同时,我也将与大家讨论如何量化这种影响以及它在时间上的分布。


Porewater and groundwater flows driven by a number of physical processes are ubiquitous in aquatic environments. These transport processes are accelerated by changes in hydrology such as drainage of wetlands and coastal acid sulphate soils. Groundwater flows significantly increase the surface area of substrates available for biogeochemical cycling. As a result, groundwater often has extremely high concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, alkalinity, and organic carbon. In this seminar, I will discuss how to quantify, when it is important, and what are the implications of groundwater-derived carbon fluxes to a variety of aquatic systems, including wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, estuaries, and rivers.


报告人简介: Isaac Santos 教授主要使用各种放射性、稳定性同位素作为示踪剂对水文学,海洋学和生物地球化学进行研究。他致力于开发一种观测方法,以对沿海碳循环进行自动高分辨率的观测。他积极进行国际化合作交流,在除非洲之外的世界各地(包括南极洲)都进行了跨学科合作。


Prof. Isaac Santos works at the interface between hydrology, oceanography and biogeochemistry using a wide range of radioactive and stable isotope tracers. Much of his work focuses on developing approaches to obtain automated, high resolution observations of the coastal carbon cycle. His research relies on active international collaboration with interdisciplinary projects completed on all continents, including Antarctica, but Africa.




Prof. Isaac Santos

ARC Future Fellow

National Marine Science Centre - Southern Cross University

Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia