

Jian Zhou



Date of Birth




Graduated Institution

Colorado State University


Hydraulics and River Dynamics



Telephone Number




Research   Interests

Environmental Fluid Mechanics; Estuarine and   Coastal Dynamics

Awards & Honors

Jiangsu   Specially-Appointed Professor


My primary research expertise   is in the field of environmental fluid mechanics, geophysical fluid dynamics   and hydraulics with a particular emphasis on using numerical simulations of   fluid flows. My students and I conduct fundamental cutting-edge research in environmental   fluid mechanics (e.g., flow turbulence and modeling) related to broader   applications in engineering, oceanography, and atmospheric science.


Academic   Qualifications:

  • Postdocs in Estuarine and Coastal Hydrodynamics,        University of California, Berkeley (Los Angeles, Santa Cruz),        California, USA, 2018-2021

  • PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering (with        a focus on Environment Fluid Mechanics), Colorado State University, Fort        Collins, Colorado, USA, 2017

  • MSc in Water Conservancy and Hydropower        Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2013

  • BSc in Water Conservancy and Hydropower        Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2010


Selected   Publications:

  • Zhou, J. & Venayagamoorthy, S. K.        (2020) Impact of ambient stable stratification on gravity currents        propagating over a submerged canopy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,        898, A15.

  • Zhou, J. & Stacey, M. T. (2020)        Residual sediment transport in tidally energetic estuarine channels with        lateral bathymetric variation. Journal of Geophysical Research:        Oceans, 125(10), e2020JC016140.

  • Zhou, J., Stacey, M. T., Holleman, R. C.,        Nuss, E. & Senn, D. B. (2020) Numerical investigation of baroclinic        channel-shoal interaction in partially stratified estuaries. Journal        of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(4), e2020JC016135.

  • Zhou, J. & Venayagamoorthy, S. K.        (2019) Near-field mean flow dynamics of a cylindrical canopy patch        suspended in deep water. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 858, 634-655.

  • Zhou, J., Cenedese C., Williams, T., Ball,        M., Venayagamoorthy, S. K & Nokes, I. R. (2017) On the propagation        of gravity currents over and through a submerged array of circular        cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 831, 394-417.

  • Zhou, J. & Venayagamoorthy, S. K.        (2020) How does three dimensional canopy geometry affect the front        propagation of a gravity current? Physics of Fluids, 32, 096605.

  • Zhou, J. & Venayagamoorthy, S. K        (2017) Numerical simulations of intrusive gravity currents interacting        with a bottom-mounted obstacle in a continuously stratified        ambient. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 17, 191-209.


  • Interaction mechanism        between longitudinal and lateral water-sediment transport in channel-shoal        estuaries and its residual effects (funded by National Natural Science        Foundation of China)

  • Jiangsu Specially-Appointed        Professor grant

  • Fundamental Research        Funds for the Central Universities

  • Genesis and destruction        of transverse saline wedge in tidal estuaries and its effect on        suspended sediment flux (funded by the Key Laboratory of Port, Waterway        & Sedimentation Engineering)

  • Investigating the effect        of San Francisco Bay’s nutrient exports to the central California shelf        (Funded by San Francisco Estuary Institute)

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