CHEN Xiaobing






















担任Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology等期刊审稿人







1) Yuan, Y., Chen, Xiaobing*, Cardenas, M. B., Liu, X., & Chen, L. (2021). Hyporheic exchange driven by submerged rigid vegetation: A modeling study. Water Resources Research, 57, e2019WR026675.

2Chen Xiaobing*, Chen Li*, Mark C. Stone, Kumud Acharya. Assessing connectivity between the river channel and floodplains during high flows using hydrodynamic modeling and particle tracking analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 583, 124609, doi:

3Chen Xiaobing, M. Bayani Cardenas, Chen Li., Hyporheic exchange driven by three-dimensional sandy bed forms: sensitivity to and prediction from bed form geometry. Water Resources Research, 2018,54(6), 4131–4149,

4Chen Xiaobing, M. Bayani Cardenas and Chen Li. Three-dimensional versus two-dimensional bed form-induced hyporheic exchange. Water Resources Research, 2015, 51, 2923–2936, doi:10.1002/2014WR016848

5Chen Xiaobing, Chen Li*, Zhao Jian, and Yu Zhongbo. Modeling the hydrodynamic interactions between the main channel and the floodplain at McCarran Ranch in the lower Truckee River, Nevada. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2015, 15(9), 2161–2172, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-2161-2015

6Chen Xiaobing, Zhao Jian, and Chen Li*. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Preferential Flow in Fractured Network with Clogging Process. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 879189, 13 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/879189

7Liao, F., Cardenas, M. B., Ferencz, S. B., Chen, Xiaobing, & Wang, G. (2021). Tracing bank storage and hyporheic exchange dynamics using 222Rn: Virtual and field tests and comparison with other tracers. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028960.

8Chen Li* and Chen Xiaobing. Comments on “An improved Cauchy number approach for predicting the drag and reconfiguration of flexible vegetation” by Peter Whittaker, Catherine A.M.E. Wilson, and Jochen Aberle, Advances in Water Resources (2016),

9Zhang, S, Chen, D*, Chen, L, Chen, Xiaobing*, He, L. Using sediment rating parameters to evaluate the changes in sediment transport regimes in the middle Yellow River basin, China. Hydrological Processes. 2019; 33: 2481-2497.

10Ke L, Xu J, Fan C, Liu K, Chen T, Wang S, Chen Xiaobing, Song L, Song C. Remote sensing reconstruction of long-term water level and storage variations of a poorly-gauged river in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2022 Apr 1;40:101020.

11Liao F, Wang G, Yang N, Shi Z, Li B, Chen Xiaobing. Groundwater discharge tracing for a large Ice-Covered lake in the Tibetan Plateau: Integrated satellite remote sensing data, chemical components and isotopes (D, 18O, and 222Rn). Journal of Hydrology. 2022 Jun 1;609:127741.

12) Yi, P., Luo, H., Chen, L., Yu, Z., Jin, H., Chen, Xiaobing., Wan, C., Aldahan, A., Zheng, M. and Hu, Q., 2018. Evaluation of groundwater discharge into surface water by using Radon-222 in the Source Area of the Yellow River, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of environmental radioactivity, 192,257-266.





